ChaKation: Chakra Key: Perpetuation of Energy

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chakra Key: Perpetuation of Energy

Chakras are noted as being centers of energy along the spinal column; however, where does this energy come from? Looking at a diagram of the nervous system, nerves connected to organs and tissues extend from the spine. According to what is known about chakras, energy comes through the crown and flow down into the body. What if there is another answer?

It is easier for a person with a violet chakra to energize the red chakra than change a dominant red chakra to a violet chakra. If energy flowed like water downhill, this is rational; however, energy doesn't flow downhill.

A comparable theory is electricity in the nervous system is generated by movement causing friction. This friction generates electricity that is sent back to the spinal column. Breathing, running, exercising and the beating of the heart creates electricity which is stored in the brain. The cerebral cortex has notably high electrical levels, yet it does not produce friction.

Considering brain activity is so important, amounts of electricity generated by physical movement are filtered back through the nervous system to the brain. Physical activity is secondary. This would explain why when the violet chakra is activated; it feels as though energy is being released down through the body.

Heightened activity along the spinal column would imply electricity is being stored in relation to how it is generated. For example a person who is having liver dysfunction would have a weak yellow chakra. However, they can still be active and intelligent by running regularly after work. This nullifies the idea of energy flowing down from the brain, because the red chakra is energized. If the flow of energy was blocked at the yellow chakra, both the orange and red chakra centers would suffer.

The violet chakra is then located in the cerebral cortex, opposed to the crown of the head. The cerebral cortex is between the brain hemispheres and an ideal place for electrical movement perpetuating energy renewal.

The Indigo chakra is located near the cerebellum. Optic nerves are also located near the cerebellum, regardless of what people might think, this explains the sensation around what is known as, "the third eye." The celestial blue chakra is close to the medulla oblongata. This explains why it seems to act as a point between brain and body.

Each chakra is also associated to the function of organs. Green is associated to the heart. Yellow is associated to the liver. Orange is associated to the intestines. Red is associated to reproductive organs and legs. Energy centers appearing cloudy or dark when meditating, indicates health problems. What if they are cloudy because the associated organ is not producing enough energy?

It is typically assumed energy centers cause disease. I believe this is true; however, failing organs could cause energy center to fail. Both must be working in order to create a positive flow of energy. Harmful substances, wounds and bodily harm could disrupt energy collection leading to lower performance.

In conclusion, the body is creates energy enhanced by the chemical reactions associated to eating, breathing and exercising. Electricity produced by exercise is transferred to the brain along the spine. All activities like heavy breathing; a quick pulse, and physical movement increase the amount of energy available to the brain. However, energy centers along the spinal cord are also storing energy for immediate use by adjacent organs.

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