Chakras have seven main colors:
- Red (Muladhara): lower body, base, ground, territory and passion
- Orange (Swadhisthana): anus, primal affection, cuddling, kinesthetic and success
- Yellow (Manipura): urethra, activity, vitality and extremes
- Green (Anahata): heart, intellectual affection, warmth and love
- Celestial Blue (Vishuddha): lungs, voice, sincerity and change
- Indigo (Ajna): mind, higher learning and third-eye
- Violet (Sahasrara): top of head, spiritualism, fellowship, understanding and enlightenment
Usually, the dominate chakra is visible, though all chakras are active in a healthy person. Some believe chakras must be open to achieve to enlightenment making dominate and subordinate aura visible. Examples include: the golden halo or red ribbon. Golden halo is violet aura with a yellow crown around the top of the head. Red ribbon is a celestial blue aura with a red line running around the body.
In essence, enlightenment could be viewed as finding a balance between intellectual and physical wellbeing. Intellectual and physical energy connects between the green and celestial blue chakra. If both violet and yellow chakras are extremely active, then energy flows freely throughout the spine.
We are born with a specific chakra. It can change through time. Theory purposes astrology affects an individual's chakra. However, it can be altered through meditation. Sound, color, and pressure points are used in altering a naturally dominate chakra center. Illness can cause a chakra to close; therefore, meditations focus on keeping chakras in good health.
Visualizing a chakra as brown or clumpy signifies medical problem in relation to a particular part of the body. Focusing on a chakra's color, increases body awareness. If experiencing heart problems focus on green chakra to open the conscious mind to a heart problem. This is not a cure; however, it could produce a better diagnosis.
When trying to achieve enlightenment by opening chakras, start with red. This is not necessary in reflective meditation. Red signifies the root and grounds us to the earth so to maintain physical health. The red chakra can be activated by walking. Since new energy is absorbed from the heavens through the violet chakra, a strong root forces energy to flow down through every energy point. Always focusing on the same chakra may cause other chakras to suffer.
Maintaining balance is important. Each chakra offers insight into people's behavior. Each chakra exhibits different characteristics. Experiencing the different vibrations helps people relate to one another on a personal level. If nothing else meditation frees the mind.
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