ChaKation: Tree Lichen

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tree Lichen

Tree lichen extract is wonderful. As a natural antibiotic and antifungal, it is a nutrient for cleansing the body and increasing resistance to air pollution. Old Man's Beard detects sulfur dioxide; however, unlike mushrooms boil Old Man's Beard before adding it to food. Avoiding talking about self-healing; there are a few concepts before changing diet for preventative health care. Warning, nutrients do not resolve illness in advance stages. Vitamins substitute nutrients to avoid malnourishment.

Similar inhaling fresh air in and exhaling stale air out, water and solids become stale while remaining in the body. The body is only a conduit changing millions of chemicals to operate efficiently. After chemicals are changed they are no longer necessary and might become toxic similar to inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide.

Air is the lightest chemical. It is easy to become dizzy from fumes go to a place with fresh air and recover in minutes. Even in extreme cases deadly fumes leave the body in days though toxins are able to fuse into the blood stream.

Liquids transport chemicals throughout the body. It takes much longer to process water. Drinking fresh water makes it possible to refresh liquids so stale or toxic water leaves the body. When overwhelmed or dehydrated, effort is necessary to replace degenerated chemical bonds with hydrogen and oxygen. A combination of water and exercise passes chemicals through the body faster eroding stale or decaying matter.

Solid foods are the most difficult to replace with fresh materials. The body rejuvenates every cell in the body every seven years, yet past materials are essential to replace cells. A person must change dietary habits for years to utilize air and water to cleanse toxins from a system before buildup overwhelms a person causing organ failure or disease.

There are several marketable vitamins with claims of assisting in cleansing the body. They substitute chemicals not readily available in a region. These extracts and vitamins provide a conduit to reach optimal performance. Medical Professionals claim it is folktales; however, supplying missing elements in daily diets stimulates organs to function at a higher efficiency. After taking a cleansing vitamin take an enzyme to stimulate specific organs or glands. Nutrients assist endurance.

Read direction and take one bottle of vitamins until it is empty. I will not take the vitamin for six months or a year after finishing a bottle of sixty to hundred pills even when feeling they are helpful. It is important for the body to function normally with available food though it is possible to take vitamins for an entire lifetime. Allow the body to increase stamina while remembering constantly overworking organs and glands is also unhealthy.

Though wanting to gain necessary nutrients from diet, occasionally it is impossible for a person who is subject to bad habits. I remember drinking a lot of soft drinks, desire for the beverage increases because the sugar is satisfying until crystallizing or saturating the body. Soft drinks might cause kidney stones.

After the body feels ill there is an issue of removing the harmful substance. These types of sugars assist in insulin production by the liver. Over long periods of consumption quitting something like a soft drink could cause a disease because the liver becomes lazy changing a similar insulin to insulin.

Attempting to stop drinking soft drinks signs of liver disease began to appear like yellowing skin. I took vitamins and slowly found ways to avoid eating sugar except what is found in normal foods. This was okay, yet if reluctant to make changes invasive surgery is necessary to remove sections of the liver when the liver hardens.

If noticing diet is always the same or noticing signs of disease take appropriate vitamin so the body heals itself. After knowing there was a problem I took a liver cleanse and then digestive enzyme over several years while drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly to dislodge the sugar buildup in deep tissue. It took a long time to remove soft drinks, ice creams, candies or chocolate bars though the yellowing pigment disappeared immediately.

It takes time to resolve ongoing issues and there is a plethora of problems that building upon each other. Sugar assists in building cell walls and structures, yet excessive amounts cause problems. Sticky blood placed pressure on kidneys, so there is also necessity for periodic intestinal, urinary and kidney cleanses for the removal of sugar crystal spread and stored throughout the body.

Common diseases are noticeable with diet and activity. There are also signs such as yellowing of skin to identify liver disease; nails split along the edges and orangey or red to identify kidney disease; nails appear yellow to identify a fungal infection, and a reddening of sensitive parts of the body like under the eye lids to identify yeast infection.

Women are sensitive to yeast infections because they believe it is a sexual disease. Yeast grows everywhere. It is in the air because it lives on sugar and sulfur. Both animal and budding types of yeast float in breezes on pollen. Ignoring it is the only way it becomes an infection because the body normally digests it.

Caprylic acid and grape seed extract are naturally antifungal though only treating a specific type of fungus. Science verifies taking too much caprylic acid deters the body from being able to defend itself from yeast. Take antifungal and then stop for months or years to build immunity.

Pollen, mold, fungus and yeast are in the air. Proactive types of fungus like tree lichen are able to defend the body from free floating pollen, molds, fungi and dust. They also offer a natural solution to avoid illness besides destroying everything on earth. Clearing lungs and also an antibiotic, its presence is helpful. However, sanitizing trees, flowers, dust, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and ammonia until everything dies turning earth into a ball of dust is an option.

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