ChaKation: Echo Meditation

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Echo Meditation

Meditation prepares the mind to accept changes in a person's life. People often feel something missing. Repeating keywords while meditating assists changes in a person; therefore, changes how the world reacts to a person. Crystals enhance the intensity of most meditations, including, echo meditation. Messages are stored within the crystal. The spirit of the message is felt upon seeing or touching it.

Not everyone has the same desires. We are unique individuals. Some desire love, openness, strength or success. There are a variety of strengths and weaknesses we wish to alter or enhance. Often we wish to compensate our weaknesses; however, enhancing strength produces resilience. This meditation is design to assist in accomplishing goals.

Prepare for the meditation by thinking about life. Calculate personal strengths and weaknesses. After reaching a conclusion on how to reach the next goal pick out the chakra representing desired characteristics. Chose between red, orange, yellow, green, celestial blue, indigo blue and violet. Make sure the ambiance is quiet and comfortable. Perform meditations before including crystals.

An example of defining an echo meditation is "strength." Three chakras represent types of strength. Red represents the earth and physical strength. Yellow represents confidence and personal strength. Violet represents higher-self and spiritual strength. For this example I will focus on the yellow chakra.

Look up the hand position for the chakra. Ground out by stomping or jumping excess energy into the ground and stimulate the red chakra. Then get comfortable and relax. Take several deep breaths through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Let the mind wonder and slowly bring focus back to the chosen word. In this example it is "strength." Breathe shallowly for awhile thinking about what strength means to you and why you want or need strength. Think of people who have strength and the qualities they possess.

After relaxing into the meditation, select a crystal. Tiger-eye is a wonder gem associated to yellow. Even the name inspires strength. Focus on the crystal through the corners of the mind by envisioning the stone as a lucid, second thought. Primarily focus on the reason for the meditation. Employ the method described in "Improving Sensory Perception" or attempt to balance the stone between both hands. Repeat "strength" four times at different intervals. It works better when intent is summed up to one spoken word.

Inhale and exhale deeply through the diaphragm. Every three to five exhales repeat, "strength" four times while exhaling. Repeat the word or thought through internal dialogue, letting the mind conceptualize strength. Feel the chakra open and crystal glow with energy.

When completing the meditation, place the crystal on the ground, take a few deep breaths and relax for a few minutes. Revisit the meditation to increase influence. When crystals are charged, they can be set out around the house. A crystal can hold more than one thought, but make sure they are complimentary to avoid internal conflict. When ready, return it to nature.

Clear crystal quartz works with all chakras; however, other stones might be better for specific meditation. There are a couple ways of preparing a stone. Wipe it off and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes and see what images come to you. If it feels good use the stone.

The other method is for quartz. Place several stones in a cup of water with one tablespoon sea salt. Stir quartz stones around in the solution and leave them outside in your garden or on a window sill for three days. It is important they receive both sunlight and moonlight. Do not use this method on any stone that dissolves or discolors in water.

After three days; rinse them with warm water. When energy is cleared and strengthened, sense the energy with your hands. One problem with bathing clear quartz is the loss of memory. Some people think they are cleansed. However, the natural spirit of the crystal will resurface later and affect meditations. Know what the clear quartz is like before bathing it.

Sometimes people meditate to discharge negative energy. They want to pass a stone around to charge like a battery. The only way to cleanse a stone used in this manner is to throw it deep into the wilderness. Remember to yell while throwing it as far as possible into the woods. After many days or weeks nature rebalances the crystal. Do not retrieve the stone. It has returned to its natural environment.

Echo meditations produce positive changes over time, sometimes relatively quickly. With or without stones, the activity is helpful when reevaluating motivations and beliefs. Since part of the meditation is to stop thinking and clear the mind by focusing on a word or object, a person is uninhibited in developing philosophy related to a chosen topic.

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