ChaKation: Propriety and Virtue

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Propriety and Virtue

There are several ancient writings about the propriety. This use refers to social order. Most nationalities suffered problems with social order and codes of conduct. Currently there are several arguments over the media. Scientists and Special Interest Groups site Models as promoting anorexia or Celebrities promoting crime in the news. This might be true, yet this complaint stems from social standards stating Thin Women are anorexic or drinking and driving is bad. These were problems before it became popular to reduce this in society. Now there is an awareness or law to attempt to control issues. Though hearing behavior emanates from the top and people follow, there is more to propriety.

Understanding a basic premise of Tao in relation of society and individuals a person reads about propriety, yet rarely understands until living on their own or attempting to become an independent adult. It is commonly believed children are free from unrealistic burdens; ergo, act correctly in most instances. Their minds are free from philosophies. Their hearts are pure and they do not have adult desires. However, as a person matures they become like muddy water. Personal interest, defense and becoming an adult are necessities.

Now that I am older, I also see this. I always try to be a good person who knows the rules and behave in a reasonable fashion. I noticed how other people's deficits for saying something different seemed rude to me. They felt as though I had shortcomings. It is known to be a proper person works, goes to school and behaves in a certain mannerism. It took a long time to realize everyone has different ideas of how to become a successful adult. Everyone is different and that is good, yet there is a demand from people to control other people's lives even when it does not make sense for them to act the same way.

I remember conversations with people of the same age. A particular person bothered me. They always associated propriety with wealth or popularity. There is no reason to believe wealthy or popular people are guilty. There is no reason to believe they wish to harm or control people, this is the common understanding of thinking everyone mimics each other; instead of, realizing they are also individuals. Even when true there are many good aspects of life and society. The same forces dictating all of our lives dictates all of our lives.

There is no method to hide everything from everyone; ergo, we hide what we are doing. Specifically, it is important to hide what will cause duress in our lives if other people know we our doing it. Some say we hide it because we know it is wrong. We hide because someone was mean or truth causes more damage or harm to ourselves and loved ones. This happens because the propriety does not prefer any particular person, group, occupation or lifestyle. The propriety is also an entity that just is.

I felt derogatory towards women who always gossip. They also were pron judge everything as wrong. They could be nice. Then I found their religion is against judgment and gossip. Later I met an older person with religious authority and they complained about how times they consult people over the same issue. Oddly, it appears when anyone reaches the highest plateau of any religion there are many similarities. Observing Practitioners does not create a realistic interpretation of original philosophies.

I love the color black. There is a misunderstanding in the United States about interpreting its meaning in Chinese Culture. Black is thought to be the same as the English association to white. White is associated to purity like rain water falling from the sky. It is in association to virginity and nativity, purity without alteration. In Tao, black represents cleansing of muddy water.

There is a reference to iron pots for collecting water from the river. This supposedly explains black interpretive meaning. Water of the yellow river is full of sediment. When drawing water from the river a person must have skill or know how to remove sediment, bacteria and contaminants from the water before using it to cook meals. When water is clear a person sees the black bottom of the iron pot; ergo, black means purity. This purity is gained through developing skills or virtue.

What is virtue? Virtue is not only who a person is, it is who a person is in relation to the propriety. Virtue, Te, is also the better interactions between individuals and society. It is the purposeful parts of an individual's being that offers assistance to others and acts in self preservation. An example is a person using dexterity to learn to type and then work as a Secretary. There are also levels of virtue in relation to Motherhood, Fatherhood and Friend.

A individual's virtue also effects society. They might be a Politician working out plans to manage resources so larger numbers of people living in a country live better lives. They might be a Rebel who finds a group of people to defend by offering services of protection through political debate or violence. The Politician has virtue of serving the public in a formal mannerism. The Rebel has virtue of defending the weak, misunderstood and humble. Rebels serve in making Politicians aware of wrongdoing. Politicians offer formal guidelines to maintain an existing society to rebel against. A person who begins realizing the virtues of all people becomes more virtuous themselves.

We are who we are and frequently find, after experimenting with life, the happiest life is similar to our thoughts and interactions with people as children. Someone might think this means remaining simple like a child, yet that is impossible. A person has to live life to gain methods of coping with life to avoid living awfully. It is important to test thoughts and ideals in the real world and realize it is not an edict from parents or officials making life livable or disastrous. Frequently life teaches its own lessons and situations are real and unalterable.

Tao often sights the path to enlightenment is like a path wondering though the wilderness; instead of, a straight road to a destination. There are many things in life a person accepts as true, yet finding our virtue is not easy. It is a process. Even when following the propriety, we might find it is not complimentary to our virtue. Our virtue relates to something else, something far more personal.

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