ChaKation: Sugar is Healthy

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sugar is Healthy

The body needs crystalline structures found in a variety of sugars. This includes processed and unprocessed sugar. People attempted to prove sugar is unhealthy; however, it is impossible. Glucose, fructose, maltose, sorbitol, brown sugar, corn syrup, granulated and so-on provide structure for major biochemical functions. Between starch and many forms of sugar a healthy person's diet is over seventy percent sugar. Cellulite and other diseases are produces through unproductive eating habits.

Scientists have shown eating two portions of fruit everyday helps prevent blindness and diabetes. Some decided the moisture in fruit prevents blindness and unprocessed fructose in fruit tames diabetes. Eating fruit, sugar, is recommended to prevent several diseases.

Growing up, a regular person in today's society, I developed awful habits. Counting calories in soda most of my diet was soda pop, leaving a few calories for other foods. This was not awful because of drinking corn syrup. Most nutrients came from corn.

I was not chubby; however, signs of cellulite were developing at a young age. Two major problems were developing. Having only one source of sugar produces an excess of chemical compounds. This excess is stored as fat. Scientists theorize sugar is associated to deteriorating fibers keeping skin taut; however, a limited source of nutrients caused malnourishment. Anxiety was caused by rarely eating which caused hypothyroidism. Luckily, the disease was treated before having the thyroid removed. Malnourishment causes several diseases that make it impossible to lose weight. They starve while having an obese appearance.

Skin is a sensitive organism. It is alive with cells growing and dying. As the largest organ there are tips on maintaining its structure. A human being replaces every cell in their body even brain cells. Oxygen through exercise produces new cells, including, neurons.

Common foods are associated to skincare. Strawberries and carrots relate to melatonin, keratin and protect against sunburn. Other fruits, such as: peaches, apricots and melon are also useful. Vitamin E keeps skin supple. Studies have shown calcium is not easily digested by the body. The chemical reaction between vitamin D and sunlight provides optimum calcium for bone care. Between these methods, a person should have wondrous skin though overall health is visible in fingernails, eyes and skin. These are excellent boosters in planning weight maintenance, maintaining health and reducing the appearance of cellulite.

First I realized the dependency on one type of sugar. I had to decrease soda consumption. It was difficult. I went from soda to tea to lemonade, yet the concentration of corn syrup in convenience store tea and lemonade is still high. After fasting, I was able to move from drinking several ounces of corn syrup everyday to a variety of sugar.

Frequently craving sugar, I experienced headaches when avoiding ice cream, candy or cookies. At this point I started eating more fruit. This eased sugar cravings. It was not enough, though noticing a decrease in cellulite over several months. Completely changing diet takes years.

Another problem relates to noticing illness after changing diet. Any change in diet, better or worse, causes decreased iron and other complications. It was as though it was making me sick. Beginning to notice a problem my family usually has flimsy finger nails. My skin was turning yellow. This is caused by liver malfunction. I did not have to go to a doctor, yet I did have to start thinking about cleansing old sugar from my body.

Cleansings are easy. Several vitamins are found in stores. Starting with a colon cleanse, fiber found in grain husks is great. Clearing out intestines gives toxins a place to go. This is followed by a liver cleanse, a kidney cleanse and then Capryl to heal potential wounds related to kidney or liver stones. Not wanting to overexert the body and find a new homeostasis, it is important to follow cleansing with a digestive enzyme and then relax for several months. Over cleansing may cause another type of malnourishment.

With every cleanse I wait a minimum of six month, sometimes a year, before performing another cleanse. Between each cleanse it is easier to modify diet to a wider variety of sugars, almost eliminating corn syrup. I no longer crave soda, ice cream, candy or cookies. Now I am in the middle of another cleanse and predict by the end of summer cellulite on my thighs will be barely noticeable. Changing dietary and exercise habits has already removed varicose veins and cellulite on my arms and calves. In addition, clearing my liver has made the yellowish discoloration disappear.

There is no time a person should give up on health. If someone starts now: gets a full blood panel test for disease, makes conscious decisions to have variety in their diet, cleanses their system and takes enzymes to improve organ health, in seven years they will be a new person. While I could expand on these topics, the information is available everywhere. Even the bottle of colon cleanse lists associated cleanses: liver, kidney, heart, bladder and so-on.

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