ChaKation: Logical Self Illusions

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Logical Self Illusions

Many attempt to decipher the truth behind words or actions. This activity creates illusions so people may contend with daily life. I have written many articles related to uncovering the hidden truth behind events: "Deranged Rearranging," "the Fit in Society" and "Unleashing the Subconscious." However, in the end everything is as it truly is nothing more regardless of beliefs or logic.

Familiar with logic, that is how my brain works. Taking mental acuity tests I understand very basic or very complex concepts without much room for memorized type of intelligence. It was funny when someone was perplexed by the idea of stacking simple concepts together to make complex concepts. When engaging in the conversation they told me I don't understand. Even as a teen, I tutored other students in algebraic logic. Yes, algebraic logic is real. Basically, beyond building blocks of complex logic, the structure is resilient when all factors are true.

Logic states if A is true and B is true, it is true; if A is true and B is False, A is also false; if A is false and B is true, it is otherwise true, and if A and B are false, it is false. What does this really mean? A true answer is always true, regardless of how an answer was found. Dolphins live in the sea and mammals don't live in the sea; therefore, dolphins are not mammals. Dolphins live in the sea and fish live in the sea; therefore, dolphins are fish. That logic probably fell apart for a lot of people; however, that is logic. Truth is based on what a person knows.

What happens when people start accepting all information as true? Problems will surface. This is why a person should be able to know if something is true, opposed to believing something is true. If it is questionable, it should be marked as potentially true. Example: one person told me another person wears white underwear. Not knowing, because I have not seen the person's white underwear or spoke to them about the topic all I really know is, "one person told me another person wears white underwear." Do they wear white underwear? I don't know.

The world is laced with these critical focal points. People want deductive powers to see or wittiness more than what they experience. This is okay. Know whether something is finite as opposed to assumed information when approaching problems. Sometimes, it does not matter to an individual so why worry? Only act on known truths to avoid loss through deception.

Fierce gossip was common as a teen. There was a woman someone told me was a Satan Worshiper. I found it odd how this woman attended services at the local Cathedral. At this time I could dismiss whatever the person said about her or understand he said the woman was a Satan Worshiper and the woman attends services at the local Cathedral. These are two separate events. The area in between has several outcomes. It would take a lengthy investigation to test information to produce a truthful answer. However, since it is none essential to my life, it would be an awkward, time-consuming fascination.

In the logical world everything is stale and sometimes constricting. How does a person go above what is proven in the past? Based on babies, we should never become adults. Sometimes the past and logic produces patterns to study how growth occurs regularly. A person evolves and changes. The world evolves and changes. A baby physically changes with stronger muscles and eyesight after leaving the womb, so it is explained. People often bend potential outcomes to their favor. This is called, "a leap of faith."

One day, before realizing the weight of uncertainty was having a lessening affect on my life, I pondered many philosophies and science. Wandering and wondering why in order to get from point A to point B took a long, tiring process of bouncing information from here to there and back for limited results compared to effort. I was also wondering about reoccurrence of which the Mahjong computer game kept giving me the Confucius statement, "Know yourself so you may understand others." It would take a leap of faith to think it was directed at me. Regardless, despite not writing it down in a journal, I remember the epiphany. These statements about life and the world are about life and the world. It is not magic, spiritual metamorphosis or a riddle only meant to be solved by the most intelligent minds. Students were often instructed that one day they will know what it means. They never really understood that the words are a clear and accurate message. It would be nice to remember the exact moment or event; however, it is too late to write down now.

In the end I suppose, "Know yourself so you may understand others," may not entirely true; however, it is true. Specific knowledge is different then what makes everyone similar. Everyone wants, needs and cares about something and someone. Everyone acts differently and this makes them an individual. Some may feel the similarity is in wanting happiness. Happiness achieved by varying means. For me I find it easier to relate to another person in wanting help and less resistance when trying to forge a new direction in life. I also resent judgment. However, I have found also found judgment might be empowering.

Having a "higher power" or "religious icon" to justify acting passionately towards a feeling may justify a seemingly illogical action. Whether coincidence, finding alternate results after experimentation or interference from an active higher power; there is an extreme difference between wanting advice and being given advice.

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Deranged Rearranging
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