ChaKation: Think of the Other Person

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Think of the Other Person

A method for knowing if something is appropriate or wrong is to ask self, "What would I do if someone was doing that to me?" If the answer has a clear path to everyone and self being happy, it is probably a workable solution. If the answer is full of treachery and malice with awful consequences, it is probably a solution that will have consequences.

Each life solution differs from person-to-person. Correct answers are as unique as each person living on earth. There is a saying, "There is no wrong answers," However, there are wrong answers for individuals. While learning to live like everyone, also live to find answers. It is best to become better at modifying habits to create a method to coexist harmoniously with people and nature.

An example of this is advertising a business. There are several options, yet the one with consequences that is most manageable is better. It might take a long time to develop a successful advertising campaign. Experience is important, because you have to actually advertise to begin discovering what activities add value or may cause bankruptcy.

For example: a person on the internet only cares about views to a website. They are polite and avoid conflict. They want to have more views. Successful People belong to forums to add friends with the mutual goal of having more views though dealing with frequent nasty comments and rude behaviors.

It is possible the reason people watch it is not because of interest in the topic. They watch because it is popular. This makes people want to shift attention to themselves or offer different opinions with intensity. They want to be noticeable. It is not necessarily an intentionally rude activity, yet the person who is polite and avoids conflict feels defensive.

Do they want to join the forum. Their priority is to advertise by increasing views and hopefully the people who like them subscribe. Imagining the outcome, their audience also finds negativity threatening. They should not join the forum. The same person may think the activity establishes themselves as popular to encourage optimism. They should join the forum.

The difference between joining or not joining is past experience and knowledge of the people. If they have experiences with people becoming angry and want to avoid a similar situation, they will find the experience tedious. They might gain some personal experience for the future. If they have experiences with anger, yet already have thoughts to cope with negativity and evolve it into a productive experience, they will prepare for complications and work toward make a good experience for everyone.

When people are unique, they find various solutions are effective. The normal fighting rule, in polite society, is fighting to demonstrate skill. It is slightly more instinctual and aggressive than playful fighting. The fight is over when someone gets a bloody nose or falls to the ground. It is customary to compliment fighting skills.

Though there is a Winner and a Loser, the objective is to state, "I will defend my self." The second objective is to state quarreling with them will have consequences. They hit each other with force and it is possible to get a bloody nose. This establishes values; ergo, fighting beyond this makes someone appear crazy or mean.

Living around each other, the person who lost to someone who is mean or overly violent has encouragement protect themselves from a crazy person. The point was to establish territory. There is this group and that group. There is this person and that person. Know boundaries and avoid conflict. Winning or losing, group or personal boundaries are observable.

Though these rules sound fair for everyone, there are variations. A group might establish a rule to buy the Loser a drink. This establishes good sportsmanship. They are able to talk before returning to regular life and might never talk again. Many people avoid this, because it is subversively saying, "You get free things from me if I beat you in a fight." It encourages disrespect though also allowing time to negotiate a compromise. The person buying drinks should know how this is good. If they do not, they should not do it.

Another variation on fighting is kicking a person when they are down. Some state, "Never kick a person when they are down." The aggressive action of kicking or pinning a person after a clearly winning seems wrong to many people. There are people who should kick someone when they are down. It is a honest statement about themselves.

When someone kicks someone when they are down, they are a person who wants to ensure other people know they fight for reasons beyond establishing boundaries. They fight for protection, quality of life or beliefs. When aggravating them, the fight may continue beyond what seems like a logical end. The fight is never over until establishing rules and order.

Women tend to be mean in comparison to men. A Bear protecting her Cub is the common symbolism. It is not good enough to simply get in fight and continue on with life. It is important to establish any rude or threatening behavior is not acceptable their children, future children or themselves.

There are a few men who also establish the importance of not being mean or aggressive with overly aggressive displays of force. This establishes them as the person who will defend beliefs.

It is dangerous to pretend to be this person if not really understanding the full spectrum of this activity.

Some compensate by being avoidable or encouraging discussion to resolve a fight peaceful. After the fight begins, there is no knowing when it will end. That is threatening.

A reputation of being crazy or overly violent assists in ending most fights before they begin. It can also be a method to defend groups or individuals from subjugation.

In every instance, the person who will fights to a bitter end attracts other people with the same mentality. There is a simple issue of ability to keep pace with ongoing conflict.

They are themselves. They schedule time for work and self-improvement. They found a method to turn instinctual behavior into a method to help everyone. They gain patrons and respect from those who do not have enough time or enough skills to continue fighting. Regardless, there is a sense of how the activity is beneficial to everyone.

Sometimes it is difficult planning the next improvement or change in life. Changes have ongoing effects. After making one change, it might be three months before knowing how changing personal behavior affects everyone. If already knowing it is a awkward or potentially dangerous activity, trust yourself to know it is not a viable solution.

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