ChaKation: Thoughts and Actions

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thoughts and Actions

Some people say thoughts produce actions; however, thoughts prevent actions. Meditation scares people. It is not a form of magic. Meditation was developed by an atheist religion as a means of finding clarity to make better decisions.

While Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism believe in spirit or chi these meditations are designed to provoke thought. Specific answers are defined by individuals, because people are unique. There is also no way of knowing how and when someone will have an epiphany.

People confuse Enlightenment with peace and happiness forever; however, it is a moment of clarity when all components in their life. Then someone sees the world as it truly is to make above average decisions about the next course of action. After a person achieves Enlightenment once, they can achieve it again.

The person who defined Enlightenment, Confucius, said, "He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever." This is observable. Buddhists ask themselves questions. This is a good idea. Mentoring is a way to gain a broader source of information; however, an individual is the most familiar with personal observation.

Think of someone who hates God. By not admitting they hate God, they could hate God for the rest of their life. A person who thinks about reasons for why they hate God will eventually stop hating God.

It is important to recognize boundaries and goals when meditating. Religions develop meditation or prayer to exemplify the ideal a happy, healthy person. Religions accepting a God also have boundaries and values. While people say thoughts affect other things we must realize nothing happens unless someone acts on those thoughts we are safe from hostile actions.

The bible states the Earth feels people's pain. Making the Earth hurt, leads to correction; however, it can also be explained in real life terms. When an employer short changes employees, employees become sad. The reputation of the company is hindered whether a natural course of events or intervention from God the problem is resolved. This is summed up to "faith." It is also because, as Confucius said, "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."

Religious thought and civil order assists in identifying when a good solution, clarity, or Enlightenment is achieved. We all know it is wrong to give false wittiness. With humility and faith, the problem will be resolved with the greatest degree of accuracy. Humility is important, because it allows us to recognize we may not be completely correct.

Having the ability to think is divine. We can alter the course of our life. Fearing hurtful thoughts does not prevent future action. Meditation is a method for opening the mind to develop a course of action that addresses several ethical obstacles while surviving long enough to have a good life. Reaching Enlightenment is a satisfying feeling. Knowing for even a moment a plan to resolve ongoing problems is a relief. It is not drug induced euphoria.

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